Thursday, October 11, 2012

The "Jesus Principle" In Islam.pt1.

The article below, copied from Zoro unmasked, who copied it from GERONIMO, is a typical action prompted by "Love" or "The Jesus Principle". God is the most merciful, and Jesus was the embodiment of Gods mercy/love.

All laws should be amended in exceptional cases out of compassion/love.. And that was the message of Jesus,who did not break the law, but circumvent it. Where the law makes no exception, Jesus did not give any exception at all. This was seen in Jesus' action overturning the tables of Rabbis and people who took usury in trade and transactions. However the Pope, contradicting Jesus, is heavily into usury, owning the Catholic Church's own Bank and encouraging money laundering. Read more @

When justice is tempered with mercy

An Indonesian judge by the name of Marzuki was sitting in judgment of an old lady who pleaded guilty of stealing some tapioca from a plantation. In her defense, she admitted to the judge that she was indeed guilty of the crime because she was poor and her son was sick while her grandchild was hungry.

The plantation manager insisted that she be punished as a deterrent to others. The judge going through the documents then looked up and said to the old lady, “I’m sorry but I cannot make any exception to the law and you must be punished.” The old lady was fined Rp. 1 million (USD 100) and if she could not pay the fine then she will be jailed for 2 and a half years as demanded by the law.

She wept as she could not pay the fine. The judge then took off his hat and put in Rp. 1 million into the hat and said “In the name of justice, I fined all who are in the court Rp. 50 thousand (USD 5.50) as dwellers of this city and letting a child to starve until her grandmother have to steal to feed her grandchild. The registrar will now collect the fines from all the accused.” The court managed to collect Rp 3.5 million (USD 200) whereby once the fine was paid off, the rest was given to the old lady … .including the fine collected from the plantation manager.


  Pak Yeh's Comments : Will we see the same compassion in the Shariah courts.???
I don't think so, if the hadis, man's words, is made God's law there shall be no compassion.
According to a lahwal hadis (alledged/hearsay hadis) used by PAS President, Abdul Hadi, even a person who stole a blanket had his hands chopped off even though the owner of the blanket did not want to take such an action.
The hadis truly misleads and make a mockery of Islam as Allah Himself said in Quran 31:6 "Some people use lahwal hadis to mislead others from Allah's path, without knowledge, and make a mockery of it(Allah's path/Islam).
There are ample proofs of the use of compassion/love in the Quran. Read more @
The hadis is the root cause of Muslim disunity into mazhabs/divisions and the cause of wars between Muslims mazhabs. That was the reason why it was banned by the prophet Mohammad. Read more @

May we all be guided by the Spirit of Truth and by Truth, Himself.


Anonymous said...

Pak yeh.

You are wrong in interprating srah 31:6. You have no basis to o against the agree tafsir of he surah.It is varu clear why the surah was reveal.
Hadith is not man word.It is the collection of Rasuallah word and action.Bukhary,Muslim,Termizi are merely collecting those messages and action by the Pophet Muhammad (saw).
If you want to attack those hadiths collected by Bukhary as false then you have to find fault on his methodoligy use by him .So far nobody can shown the fault.That why muslim continue to pray,fast,pay zakat nd perform haj as what the prophet(saw) did.

pak yeh said...

Dear Anonymous,
You have to stop showing your stupidity, of giving opinions, without logic and Quranic proofs.
Why dont you debate the ban/burn on the hadis.?
If you belief in the hadis,you have to belief that the hadis was banned by the prophet.Nobody could proof that the isnad was bad on those hadis. All Ulamas agreed the hadis on banning of the hadis is saheh.
Isnad however is just a conjecture, that contradicts logic and science. You cannot prove that the prophet really said it, because the prophet banned the writting of the hadis. Besides the perawi/relators of the hadis 3rd, 4th,5th party witness who did not witness the prophet saying it.
What about the Quran verses that say only Allahs and nobody else is the source of Gods law.
If you cannot debate,it means you have lost and is in the wrong, so please shut up,and stop making comments that are unintelligent and have no value to it.
The Hadis is the cause of Syiah Sunni war. To be exact, it is the Hadis on the Mahadi. there is no Mahadi concept in the Quran. The Mahadi concept is borrowed from the Christian Jesus 2nd coming and the one and only Savior concept.
Why dont you accept that you have lost the debate.
Quran 39:18 "Listen toa all views,Choose the best view(after debating it) These are the guided,the intelligent."
So even Allah tells us to debate and choose the best view,not the view of people who cannot debate.

Anonymous said...

Pak Yeh.
You said "You cannot prove the Prophet really said it"...Beside the Perawi/relatrs of the hadth 3rd,4rd,5rd party witness."

Majority of the hadith(around 3000) was narrated by Abu Hurairah,the Prophet personal assistant,by Aishah,The Prophet wife,by Ali Abu Talib,Prophet son in law.These are the people who heard personally what the Prophet said.

How you pray,how you perform Haj and Umrah,How pay zakat and to whom,these are from Prophet .Hadith mean not only what the prophet said but his action and pratice.

pak yeh said...

Anonymous said,
How you pray,how you perform Haj and Umrah,How pay zakat and to whom,these are from Prophet .Hadith mean not only what the prophet said but his action and pratice.

Pak yehs reply:
All those ibadah are explained in the Quran in the form of guidelines,the times of prayer,wuduk,tayamum, zakat,puasa, etc. Remember, Allah said the Quran is complete. Sunnah actions are all described in the Quran and unwritten traditions or practice/ amal. That is because the prophet banned his own written hadis. You have not refuted the saheh of the "hadis on banning and burning of written hadis". So..."If you believe in the hadis, you have to believe in the banning and burning of the hadis". So stop using the hadis because the prophet banned it.
Using hadis only I have checkmated you.!!! Added to that I have used Quran verses on the warning against using hadis(Refer to my article on the bann/burn of the hadis.

Anonymous said:
Majority of the hadith(around 3000) was narrated by Abu Hurairah,the Prophet personal assistant,by Aishah,The Prophet wife,by Ali Abu Talib,Prophet son in law.These are the people who heard personally what the Prophet said.

Pak Yehs reply :
How do you prove that Abu Hurairah, Ali Abu Talib and Aishah really said those words.??? Remember, hadis were collected 300 years after the prophet died, and all of the 1st witness perawi you mentioned were also dead.!!! What perawi you have are 3rd,5th,5th hearsay witness, not eye witness. Only eye witness are accepted in a court of law.
If Mr A said, Mr B said, Mr C killed his neighbor, would you as a judge accept it as truth.?????
Using logic, I have checkmated you again.

azmie said...

1. out of curiosity, do you guys even know what لهو الحديث or even the term الحديث means?
2. role of the prophet pbuh: Al Quran 33:21
3. role of the prophet pbuh: Al Quran 4:59
4. "..How do you prove that Abu Hurairah, Ali Abu Talib and Aishah really said those words..", if that's your logic, then explain how do you prove the holy Quran is authentic because it was also passed on by the same group of dead people. using the same logic, how do you prove "Jesus,who did not break the law, but circumvent it". by the way, somebody by the name of Reinhart Dozy made this argument circa 150 years ago, and he's dead too. and the link you hv in the ban/burn posting, its just a spin off of goldziher et al. works, nothing new. the statement "..hadis were collected 300 years after the prophet died.." well thats from hurgronje. on paganism, zeus mythology, that's from horovitz and wensinck. sunni-shiite conflick that's by guillaume...
5. hv you ever heard of the hudaybia treaty? the reopening of Mecca speech? letter to the byzantine emperor? the Prophet's seal? all are written statements from Prophet, which is also called hadith
6. you may want to look up these: Abu Syaah Al Yamani, Rafi' ibn Khadij, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'Aas

Anonymous said...

Pak Yeh.
Youe explanation did not hold water.You think the old Ulama like Imam Malik,Imam Shafie,Imam Hanafi or the Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz,the grand son of Umar Ibn Khattab i,who order Bukhrie to collect hadith are not God fearing.
You are fully aware that Quran other than what is written olso memorise by Componions and Tabieen.Until today million of Muslim can memorise Quran by heart.
If this is the case,they also an memorise what the prophet said and did.They pass on the stories to their children and families mambers.

Whom should I follow,The Imam Shafie or Imam Bukhary or Pak Yeh.You are only qualify as an Engineer,You cannot even memorise Al Quran.You dont speak and read and write clasical Arabic.
Pak Yek wake up.Jangan bodoh sobong.I cannot equite you roligious knowledge with the present Ulama who still alive like Yusoff Qardawi,

pak yeh said...

Dear azmie and Anonymous,
You are making stupid comments, without debating.!!!. Please go and debate @

1) Prove that the hadis on the banning of the hadis are not saheh using the isnad or logic. Don't just give blank opinion.
2)Prove by showing verses of the Quran that man's words(hadis) can be used in association with His Hukum (Shariah Law),ie a verse that contradicts Quran 18:26 "He does not make any one His associate in His ‘HUKM’ (Laws and Ruling)."

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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pak yeh said...

5 Comments deleted due to zero debating, and rude and personal opinions.
If you cannot debate the items requested, just admit you have lost the debate and choose the best debated view, ie the Quran only view otherwise you will commit syirik and go to hell. Associating alledged hadis(lahwal hadis) in the hukum/law of Allah is syirik.refer Quran 18:26 and 31/6.
Note: lahwal hadis is maintained in Arabic/Quranic because most translators had mistranslated it to decieve Muslims, so that they can overturn the prophet's ban/burn of all written hadis.