Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bible Professor and Pope Converts To Islam.

1) A Havard Bible Professor converted to Islam because of Bible mistranslations and corruption of the truth.

2) The Pope had converted to Islam, prayed with the Muslims in Istanbul,Turkey, after he saw an original copy of the Gospel in Aramaic.
 Pope said : "Christianity is not a religion of the Book(God's Book)"
This means that the Bible is not the book of god. 
The Gospels is the word of man.


Anonymous said...

Clearly, nothing that comes from the mouth of the so called Bible professor is extra ordinary
Those reasons for his conversion were a classic. Nothing new. Why not include the videos of the ex Muslim Professor who have embraced Christianity?

pak yeh said...

Anonymous said...

Clearly, nothing that comes from the mouth of the so called Bible professor is extra ordinary
Those reasons for his conversion were a classic. Nothing new.

Pak Yeh's reply:
Heh,heh. You are a classic in denial syndrom. No debate, no refutations, just empt unintelligent opinion.

Anonymous said:
Why not include the videos of the ex Muslim Professor who have embraced Christianity?

Pak Yeh's reply:
There isn't any. Why woul anybody want to believe in mythology/bullshit stories of god's son who was killed by Romans.???

Go read up your Aramaic Gospel and find the truth, like what the Pope did.!!!
Why be unintelligent,reading only mistranslated Greek,Latin, English and Malay mistranslated Gospels when you can read the original Aramaic Gospel!!!
Still need bullshit fantasy son of god stories in your adult life.??? You still a kid lah.! Grow up.!!!

Matrojak said...

Pakyeh sy terjumpa ini diinternet, sy paste disini supaya boleh dijawab oleh pakar2 & juga Sheykh pakyeh hahahaha...

Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 84, Number 63:
Narrated 'Abdullah:
As if I am looking at the Prophet while he was speaking about one of the prophets whose people have beaten and wounded him, and he was wiping the blood off his face and saying,
"O Lord! Forgive my people as they do not know."

Terjemahan :

Dikisahkan oleh Abdullah :
Saat aku melihat Rasulullah saat dia sedang berbicara tentang SALAH SATU NABI YANG BANGSANYA TELAH MEMUKULI DAN MELUKAINYA, dan Sang Nabi mengusap darah diwajahnya dan berkata: "Oh Tuhan, Ampunilah bangsaku karena mereka tidak tahu."

Sangat menarik kerana ini sangat serupa dengan kisah Jesus yang telah dipukul dan dilukai oleh bangsanya dan BERBICARA KETIKA DI KAYU SALIB sebagai berikut:

* Lukas 23:33–34:
23:33 Ketika mereka sampai di tempat yang bernama Tengkorak, mereka menyalibkan Yesus di situ dan juga kedua orang penjahat itu, yang seorang di sebelah kanan-Nya dan yang lain di sebelah kiri-Nya.
23:34 Yesus berkata: "Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka, sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat." Dan mereka membuang undi untuk membagi pakaian-Nya.

Terlihat bagaimana kesamaan kisah hadis diatas dengan kisah penyaliban Jesus dalam Bible tersebut. Kalau ramai orang yang mengaku Islam menyangkal bahawa hadis diatas adalah Jesus, maka siapakah sebenarnya Nabi yang dimaksudkan dalam hadis itu?? Jeng-jeng-jeng...

Pakyeh dan lain2 pakar boleh jawab ka??

pak yeh said...

Hadis itu pasti di riwayatkan oleh seorang Kristian.
"Jesus anak tuhan" yang di salibkan adalah mitos Greek rekaan Paul of Tarsus .
Ia tiada kena mengena dengan nabi Isa anak Mariam yang di sebut dalam Quran.
Orang yang serupa dengan nabi Isa telah di salibkan,sedangkan nabi Isa di selamatkan oleh Allah. Cerita nabi Isa yang tidak di salib, dan bukan anak tuhan, ada di riwayat oleh beberapa Gosple bahasa Aramaic terutamanya Gospel of James adek kapada nabi Isa.

Matrojak said...

Pakyeh tulis;
Hadis itu pasti di riwayatkan oleh seorang Kristian.

Tapikan tertulis tuh Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 84, Number 63:, macamana Imam Bukhari jadi orang Kristian pulak??Biar betol pakyeh?? Apa kata Datok Nuh Gadot? Apa kata ustaz cakar harimau? Apa kata pakyeh?? Apa kata yg lain2?? Nak tahu jugak, jeng-jeng-jeng....

pak yeh said...

Hadis tu adalah "hearsay"/khabar angin dari orng2 yang hidup 250 tahun selepas nabi Muhamad wafat.
Gospel juga adalah hearsay/khabar angin dari orang2 yang hidup 250 tahun selepas nabi Isa wafat.

Jadi ko nak percaya wahyu/kata2 tuhan dari Old Testament atau ko nak percaya hearsay/khabar angin dari orng2 yang hidup 250 tahun selepas nabi Isa dan nabi Muhamad wafat.???

"Hearsay cannot be accepted as truth in any court of law."
"Khabar angi (Hadis dan Gospel) (Hadis and Gospel) tidak dapat di angap sebagai kebenaran di semua mahkamah."

Matrojak said...

Pakyeh tulis;
Hadis tu adalah "hearsay"/khabar angin dari orng2 yang hidup 250 tahun selepas nabi Muhamad wafat.
Gospel juga adalah hearsay/khabar angin dari orang2 yang hidup 250 tahun selepas nabi Isa wafat.

APA?? Hadis & Gospel adalah khabar2 angin?? Alamak tidakkah ini menunjukkan ramai orang yg mengaku Islam pun ter-ikut2 dengan metodologi Kristian, mengikut khabar2 angin?? Jeng-jeng-jeng....

pak yeh said...

Matrojak kata:
APA?? Hadis & Gospel adalah khabar2 angin?? Alamak tidakkah ini menunjukkan ramai orang yg mengaku Islam pun ter-ikut2 dengan metodologi Kristian, mengikut khabar2 angin?? Jeng-jeng-jeng....

Pak Yeh jawab:
Andaian anda memang tepat.
Muslim juga telah di korupsikan dan di Kristianisasikan dengan "hearsay"/khabar angin hadis.
Muslim juga telah di korupsi dan di KRIATIANISASI oleh "hearsay" hadis dengan "konsep Messiah" berbentuk Imamm Mahadi yang mati/ghaib dan akan kembali kali ke2(2nd coming of Jesus dan Mahadi Syiah).

Matrojak said...

Ohh macam tuh ka?? Patutlah selam, kah,kah,kah,kah,kah....

pak yeh said...

Brader Mat rojak.
Memang Islam sudah jadi selam apabila HADIS DI GUNA UNTOK ATASI DAN KONTRADIK QURAN,

Ulama Muslim sama sahaja macam Pagri Kristian yang guna buku manusia (Gospel dan Hadis) untok atasi dan kontradik buku tuhan Bible Old Testament dan Quran.

Jadi, apakah solusinya.???
Kasi irrelevant institusi Ulama dan Padri.!!!
Jesus tidak tubohkan institusi Padri.!!!
Nabi Muhamad pun tidak tubohkan institusi Ulama.!!!

Jadi kenapa Muslim mahu tubuh institusi Ulama.???
Kenapa tubuh "Pimpinan Ulama PAS" bila nabi Muhammad tidak buat gitu.???
Lagipun USTAZ GOOGLE lebeh bagus servicenya,... 24 jam, tiada makan dan tiada gaji.!!!

Ayoh Muslimin sekelian.!

Anonymous said...

Christians all lies. Islam same source, same people, but all true. Christians kill, pillage and convert. Islam kill pillage and convert. Oh yes not the religion but people. Open your eyes. This is 21st century. Lies will be exposed. In case you are not aware..take up Ali Sina's challenge...go to Get all Muslims to go there and debate.

pak yeh said...

Muslims never try to convert others.
They only tell the truth, becuz the Quran says"It is not you but I who make people into Muslims" ie chosen by Allah.
Muslims go to war not to convert like Christians do.
They go to war becuz Christians make war on them.
Islam was spread throught trade rather than war in Indonesia and Malaysia.
However, look at the South America and the Philippines, War was waged on the people to rob them (a gun in the right hand) and to convert (the Bible in the left hand) then to Christianity.

Ali Sina is all bullcrap. Islam was spread peace fully in Indonesia and Malaysia.

pak yeh said...

This what Ali Sina said about the prophet Mohamad, a perso aclaimed to be the no1 Leader mof makind.

Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allah's Prophet In it, Sina suggests that the prophet suffered from a series of mental disorders, including narcissistic personality disorder, temporal lobe epilepsy and obsessive compulsive disorder. "These disorders," he says, "can explain the phenomenon known as Islam... which is nothing but one man's insanity."[10]

Ali Sina is acting like a dog barking at a mountain. Macam anjing menyalak bukit.. ie he is a mentally deraigned idiot.
He could get himself killed for writting falsehood about prophet Mohamad.

Anonymous said...

ALi Sina could get killed running down Mohamad!! Many gentle true believers are outraged. They want Ali's head! You will applaud judging by your tone. And you claim that Muslims are open to debate?! I would very much like to write not as "anonymous" but I am forced to because all my Muslim friends and relatives would get angry and shun me. I have been telling my Christian friends and relatives about the nonsense in their holy book for years! But we are all getting along fine. The original people in our country were all animists. The Muslims and Christians go around and hound them. Criticize their beliefs, make fun of their gods and spirits. And entice them with trinkets and food and a lot of feel good propaganda or mumbo jumbo to get them to believe in the great middle eastern god from the desert. Do you understand what has happened to these people? Do you know how our Muslim officials are treating the orang asli now? Can you not see how the religion(all religions) has been used to enslave people? Wake up. Please check out what the Christians are doing in the American mid west.Think we are much better? Go listen to the lecturing by the imams in the mosque every friday. Then spare a thought for our children in school. Our people, the Malays students, future of our country..they are taught to pray, constant repeating of verses or words which has no meaning to them, before lessons, before studying before examinations! What do you think is happening in the 100 billion neurons in their brains? Switched on? You want the doctors and the nurses to pray over you before the operation? You want the imams to pray for the safety of the bridge or the roof not to collapse?
Where is the seventh heaven? And did the sun go to prostrate itself at Allah's throne at night? Are you aware how Islam spread in India? There is no heaven to go to brother. We will all grow old, thanks to the kafir medicine maybe live longer and suffer more. We will lose our marbles, our brain cells will die, the connections will be bad, we will become senile and stupid. Your children will wish you were dead. You will wish you were dead. No amount of prayers is going to help. Jesus, Allah, Heavenly God, Lord Krshna or miracles PY, no miracles. Just check out You Tube and free yourself from some primitive tyrants trying to build palaces and harems for themselves. Wake up..