Sunday, September 17, 2017

Q31:6 and Proof That The Hadith Makes A Mockery Of Islam. .

The TRUTH about the hadith books is that it is "the sayings of NON WITNESSES who said that the witnessing sahabahs and wives of prophet Mohamad said prophet Mohamad said it. There in no proof / evidence that the sahabahs and the wives on the Prophet said so in the form of their very own written scripture.
In any Court of Law, stories by NON WITNESSES cannot be accepted as TRUTH because they did not see or hear of it directly. Thosse non witness stories are called hearsay or gossip.
The "sanad" and "mantan" of the hadith are just FALSE METHODOLOGY to justify the use of the FALSE or LAHWAL HADITH.
This is what Allah says about the "lahwal hadith".
Q31:6" Some people use LAHWAL HADITH (false hdith) to MISS LEAD others from Allah's path (Islam), without knowledge, and make a MOCKERY of it (Allah's path / Islam). For them there will be a PAINFUL DOOM.

# Note:Ibni Kathir's tafsir using of "lahwal (false) hadith" that "lahwal haditth" is music and singing girls is not what Allah words as per the verse and therefore cannot be acceptable as truth unless you take Ibni Kathir as another Allah besides the Allah of the Quran. You cannot replace Allah's words in Q31:6 with Ibni Kathir's words "music and singging Girls".That would be making Ibni Kathir a god besides Allah and that is shirik.

There are many examples of so called Saheh Bukhari n Muslim hadiths that are a MOCKERY to Allah, Islam and Mohamad as predicted by Allah in Q31:6
These are the proofs....

1) The israk mikraj hadith MORCKS Allah as a BLUNDERING FOOL, who prescribed 50 solats a day, and had to FLIP FLOP to 5 solats a day after being advised by Mohamad who flew on a flying horse (like the Hercules mythology) to meet God at the 7th heaven (like Zeus the Greek mythology God).Picturung Allah as a blundering fool and picturung Mohamad as a Hercules like mythology is a MOCKERY to Allah, Islam and Mohamad.

2) The prophet Mohamad marrying a 6 year old Aishah was a false hadith or "lahwal hadith" alledged to be the prophet Mohamad's hadith, because the Arabs wanted to be pedophiles. Christian and others take this hadith to make a MOCKERY of Mohamad, Islam and Muslims. Alla in the Quran says we are to marry our daughters when they are MATURED. The hadith always say that Prphet Mohamad did not follow the Quran. Do you believe that.???

3)The hadith of kissing the Hajar Aswat vagina like stone is an idol of pagan Arabs Godess of progeny. The hadith about it stops at Umar Al Khatab. The prophet did not say he kissed the hajar aswat. the Qurab too does not say it.

4) the hadith on drinking of Camel urine is a lahwal hadith to mock Arabs and Muslims as stupid and addicted to Camel Urine. Again ,the Quran does not say it but Shaitan did, in the name of a false Rassulllullah 200 years after the prophet Mohamad died.

5) The Bukhari Saheh Book of hadith also has a MONKEY Hadith that says moblys stone aduterous marrird mongkeys. Is this not making monkeys out of Muslims and Islam.???

6) Thw hadith on killing of apostates / murtad clearly contradicts Q2:256 "There is no compulsion in the deen (Islam)" This why prophwt Mohamad lamented in Q@5:30 "Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! truly my people took this Qur'an for just foolish nonsense." 

# Note :Christian and others too have come to quote the hadith to try to destroy Islam the Quran, Mohamad, and the Muslims all because they believed in the LAHWAL HADITH of NON WITNESSES MUNAFIQS 200 years after the prophet died. ONLY IDIOTS BELIEVE IN NON WITNESS STORIES though. The Gospels too are by non witnesses.
The following are Christian are having a hilarious time MOCKING Islam, Mohamad and Muslims by using the "lahwal hadith" of Bukhari, Mulim and other hadith Ulamas.....

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