Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who killed cock Robin ?

Who killed cock Robin(TBH) ???

I, said Masisi ! I killed TBH ! Unintentionally though.
I totured him to turn him into a false witness to implicate opposition aduns. The director of Sodomy 2 asked us to find ways of topling the oposition government, like what was done in the Berak State Assembly. The idea was to get TBH to spill out the beans, false or otherwise, so that opossition aduns pressured by corruption persecution, would defect to the ruling alliance.Unfotunately he died.

Who killed cock Robin(Gugan)???

I said the Matamata ! I killed Gugan !
Actualy it was we who stole the cars ! We had to find a scape goat ! There had been too many car thefts, and they said we Matamatas are not doing our job. So we had to toture him so that he would admit that he stole the car. This is standard klingtong procedure of our Balai Klingtong !

Who killed cock Robin(Jalil BMF)???

I said Mahathief ! I killed him !
We did not want to kill him but he knew too much and was about to blow up our scam. We wetre actually conned by a get rich quick scam by a George guy of the Carrion Corporation,in Hong Kong. Well, if I take it for myself too, you would not know,right ???

Who killed cock Robin(Altantula)???

I, said 1st Pombleh ! I killed Altantula !
She knew too much. She knew about the kickback of the submarine purchase. She even knew what is inside my husbands sarong. Guru Ji said his majic cannot touch Genghis Khans people, so I had to do my magic, with a C4. Boom ! And she was broken to smithereens.

Who killed cock Robin(Abraham Libya and many of his followers) ???

I,said Moses Black ! I killed Abraham Libya and his folowers.
I dont like Ulamas. Ulamas and Islam spoil my lifestyle of boozing and womanising. I gave the orders to kill him and his followers.

Who killed cock Robin(B.Bumiputra)???

I,said Mamak Kutty ! I,killed B.Bumiputra. I killed the one in Hong Kong and I killed the one in MalaySiah. I used up all its money to built KLIA,KLCC,Putla Jaya,Bakung etcera,etcetra. I used Soros money too, untill he took back his money plus profits double his initial capital.The Banks were not just empty because of it, but there was a deep canyon. And that made all the Banks go into the red.
Bankers ! They give an umberella on a sunny day, and when it rains they took it back. But luckily the rakyat helped to pay for my white elephants. The dealueing of the ringgit did the trick. Its a hidden tax. The rakyat dont know. I told them it was all Soros' fault. Anti-Semetic did the trick.

How many more cock Robins will be killed if we vote the Be End government again ???
Enough is enough !!! The killings has got to stop !!!
Lets bring on the Revolution !!!
Lets vote Pakatan Rakyat!!!

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