Malaysia maseh belum meredeka. (Rujuk rencana.. ). British, negara2 dunia pertama, Word Bank, I.M.F. dan Multinational Corporations, dengan pertolongan UMNO/BN, maseh menjajah Malaysia. Ini di namakan Neo-Colonialization. Begitu juga negara2 ke-tiga yang lain di seluroh dunia. Mereka. walaupun di beri kemerdekaan, maseh di jajah secara ekonomi. Negara2 dunia pertama maseh menjajah secara proxy.
"America adalah proxy Israel" kata Dr Mahathir. Jika America negara yang paling kuat dan maju, pun boleh di proxykan oleh Israel, tidakkah Malatsia menjadi proxy Israel juga.???
Haqiqatnya, Malaysia di bawah Dr Mahathir dan UMNO Baru ciptaannya sedang hangat bermaksiat dengan penasihat2 Yahudi Israel. Buktinya adalah Mr Soros penasihat dan pelabur paling top di masa Dr Mahathir jadi PM dan dan Anwar Ibrahim Menteri Kewangannya.
Akibat mendegar "nasihat" Sorros mata wamg kita menjunam sebanyak 150%. Mahatjir telah maki hamun Sorros dan menudoh Sorros lah yang telah jatuhkan nilai mata wang kita. Sorros berkata, dia cuma melabur wang nya dan jatuhnya nilai wang adalah kerana terlebeh belanja Dr Mahathir (dengan mengguna duit Sorros). Tudohan Dr Mahathir nyata tidak berasas apabila Dr Mahathir "bercium mulut" semula denga Sorros, dengan keyataan Dr mahathir bahawa Sorros tidak menyebabkan mata wang kita menjunanm. Tapi apa yang beliau tidak nyatakan adalah bahawa Dr Mahathir sendiri adalah punca menjunamnya ringgit Malaysia, kerana terlebeh sangat berbelanja membina KLCC,KLIA,Putra Jaya, denag "pinjaman" duit dari Sorros. Peristiwa crisis mata wang 1998 ini telah di rancangkan oleh Sorros dan America. Peristiwa ini adalah policy "beggar/enslave the 3rd world"/"miskinkan dan pewrhambakan negara ke-3". Tanpa pegetahuan mereka, Dr Mahathir dan Awar Ibrahim adalah proxy neo colonization rancangan Yahudi dan America menjatuhkan mata wang Malaysia.. ( Sila rujuk rencana,.. )
Selain nasihat dari Sorros, Dr Mahathir juga telah mengambil nasihat dari Margeret Thatcher Perdana Menteri British dalam rancangan pengswataan/privatization semua asset dan sumber nergara. Dasar ekonomi ini di namakan Reganism di America, Tacherism di Britain dan di Mahathirism di Malaysia. Dasar ini menghalalkan rompakkan terhadap kazanah/asset negara. Dasar ini mempapakan rakyat dan negara dan mengkayakan kroni, Bankers dan Kapitalis aka "Neo Colonialist". Maka Dr Mahthir dan kroni penswataan/prvatizationnya boleh di definasikan sebagai golongan Neo Capitalist juga.
Apakah ubat untok lawan Neo Colonialism.? Jawabnya adalah Ekonomi Komunis/Socialis dan yang terbaik Islamnomics (rujuk.. ), dan Revolusi cara Evolusi (rujuk... )
"Musoh pada musoh anda adalah kawan anda "
"Kawan pada musoh anda adalah musoh anda"
Video di bawah terangkan cara2 negara dunia pertama menjajah melalui
proxy mereka untok memiskinkan rakyat setiap negara ke-tiga.
Madey-Evangelis Kapitalis Melayu
Filosofi songsangnya- Prosper
Thyself, Sons And Thou Kronies..
There are no real frens, only
There's no place for Mat Kampongs
and the Mats-spik-no-inglise
in the commercial world...
khong khek khuat
Ribuan terima kasih Pak Yeh di samping berkorban tenaga, minda,Pak belanjakan wang untuk menayangkan dokumentari air. Terharu. Saya akan menontonnya dengan teliti untuk menyelami " the causes and effects " yang dipratikkan oleh mahathirism.
Dear Pak Yeh,
It is cruelty of the highest degrees inflicted by the capitalist worldwide, in this nation as well, on the rakyat. ABU to STOP the vastly disproportionate accumulation of wealth by mahathir, children & cronies regime.
As i watch the documentary, i realize that it is imperative that we collectively consider and demand the economic rights to be equivalent to our rights of life and freedom in making better choices to escape from modern slavery, illiteracy, poverty, massive unemployment, escalating crimes, loss of dignity .... to have a future, a better future, with the election of a new government which is based on being just, fair, highly efficient, transparent and accountable - rakyat centered. With much appreciation and thanks.
Salam Anonymous semua. Terima kaseh atas komen2 anda.
Jika ada yang pandai di sini, boleh kah anda cuba buat documentary seksanya hidup pekerja2 yang di bayar gaji tanpa gaji minima yang kian di merosot nilainya dan menjadikan mereka lebeh miskin dari hamba abdi.? Mari kita tangisi mereka2 yang di miskinkan oleh Mahathirism.
there are some Mat Kampongs, articulate in two, three languages or being multilingual ... some have immigrated, more Malays in this category will continue to leave the nation ...
so it is good to learn English and speak it reasonably well - in preparation to compete with foreign students, even Arab students, doing post graduate studies, speak English in the local universities; in doing business with foreigners, in facing the Greater Kuala Lumpur and in establishing meaningful relationship with others, to learn from and share knowledge with fellow Malaysians first and others.
It is how ones are wise and humble in using English, the use of nice tone, body language, the natural accent without faking it ( tak perlu , but again, those who have studied, worked abroad for too long will have the accent naturally, through assimilation. Try imagining a Malaysian speaking manglish working as a professional abroad. Buat malu saja pada negara !
The Making of & Electing Good Leaders
2. It is character, consistent good character, plus competence, academic qualifications, life experiences of struggles and time - tested determination.. a fear for God, wanting to do good to all, clear conscience, progressive thinking, respectful to all, tak tamak, tak maki hamun orang, utmost sincere and fair, etc these characteristics will make good leaders.
Be proud of own cultures, language and race, but be inclusive, be inclusive, be mature empathetic, it is having additional strength, not weakness !
Seriously, maybe Pak Yeh could nominate me as a winnable candidate for ABU, haha, but no, i'm counting the weeks to leave for a short sojourn abroad. Pasal itu, rajin tulis untuk buat sedikit kebaikan di satu dua blog. Terima kasih.
Anonymouse said:
Seriously, maybe Pak Yeh could nominate me as a winnable candidate for ABU.
Jokingly, No problem lah.! Semua beres jika ada ongkos! Kah,kah,kah.
Seriously, if you have the money. please invest in gold and agriculture. it will definitely help you when the depression comes.
As for me I prefer to be an agriculturist and businessman rather than a politician.
Are there any ones amongst us including the many blog readers ( the muda handsome, the mudi molek ) willing to volunteer their expertise in making a video clip of our rakyat in any location - upclose and personal, struggling daily to make ends meet?
1.In the events of water being privatized, the loss of their land, working on the landfill, facing crimes etc ?
2. Or clips of rakyat making progress, in sincere muhibbah spirit under PK / ABU.
3. Time limit
Probably 2 mins ( max, each ) video clip, then have it combined as one video. When completed, ideally it could be about a 30 min video clip, just nice for most effective viewing.
4. How to go about ?
Perhaps, any volunteers can respond to the following, by copying the state, paste and type “ task taken ” and then publish it here.
The next step is liase with Pak Yeh for better understanding and collaboration. Then work on the video clip independently. Finally submit it to Pak Yeh.
After that, the producer can liase with Pak Yeh and take over.
5. Other contributors are most welcome
Other social political blogs could contribute their clips by liasing with Pak Yeh directly. And upload the final production on Pak Yeh’s blog with acknowledgment.
Please feel free to respond to the following :
Producer, editor cum arranger ( ha ha multi - talents, is needed ),sound mixer.
Kedah, Penang, Wilayah Persekutuan, Selangor, Perak, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Sarawak and Sabah.
In closing, Humorous ideas, thinking out of the box !
AS one of my favorite uncles, i would like to let you know, Uncle Pak Yeh, saya pun fikir begitu – pertainan is an evergreen sector - the safest investment, that needs to be solely preserved by the rakyat for the rakyat for the survival and procreation of human beings and ecosystem. Tiada insan yang hidup makan steak wahyu, atau geoducks ( if it catches up in this nation ) or foie gras saban minggu hahaha.
My favorites are law, political science, economics, education, medicine without making big money, ai say .... entahlah bila nak jadi kaya raya tapi ada juga, expensive taste, very mild lah – makan2 sedap, simple, tapi sikit ; dengar muzik, baca buku2 mahal.
Salam Pak Yeh. Terima kasih Pak Yeh & semua respondents !
Thank you very much Anonymouse,
Your cadangan helps a lot.
We just throw the ideas, and hopefully some one will take up the issue, InshaAllah.
Dear Pak Yeh,
You are so generous and sincere to purchase the " Rain Water " video clip for us to view. Allah bless you. Hope your professional work is very smooth running.
will watch the video clip again :)
Thank you Anonymouse,
May allah bless yiu too.
I too keep on reviewing it. There is so much truth in it, which most poor people do not understand why the become poor. Poverty was planned to happen by the old and new colonialist.
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